DS4H Minor "Web Technologies" 2022-2023

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This is the page related to the online course "JavaScript Introduction" that corresponds to the DS4H Minor "Web Technologies".

Online course content : MOOC "JavaScript Introduction" on w3cx.org

Steps :

  1. Go to http://w3cx.org, click on the JavaScript Introduction MOOC,
  2. Register, free registration

Tutoring Sessions Videos

ALL TUTORING SESSIONS ON THIS ZOOM LINK : https://univ-cotedazur.zoom.us/j/85431503462?pwd=QTZYMm41anBsNlljck5zVHBLcDg2QT09

First Assignment (due November 20th 2022)

  • First Assignment page (description of the work, skeleton code, how to send your assignment to me etc.) 

Second assignment (due December 18th 2022)

Master Informatique (Master Computer Science) special project page