Get a web browser that supports the getUserMedia API

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Version de 04:58, 26 Avr 2024

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This API enables audio/video capture using a webcam or microphone. Only beta implementations exists in Opera and Chrome, unfortunately not in the stable versions commonly available.

Test if your browser supports video capture :

Chrome Canary build

This browser has the most stable support for video capture. Works on Linux, Mac, Windows. Get it from :

You also need to activate the support for media streaming : open chrome://flags in Chrome, look for MediaStream and activate it !


Opera version from labs

This one is not so easy to find ! Get a special snapshot of Opera that supports video capture here :

There is nothing to activate. Video capture works well, but in the multi-pariticipant Paint program we developped we managed to crash this builds several time when we tried to transfert the video snapshots over WebSockets. However, you may try it anyway.