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Bienvenue sur le serveur miageprojet2De $1Table des matières/p[2]/span, function 'Formula' failed with response: latex misconfigured or missing System.Net.WebExceptionError getting response stream (Write): SendFailureSystemSystem.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse (IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00000]MindTouch.Dream.Http.HttpPlugFactory+<HandleInvoke>d__d.MoveNext () [0x00000]System.IO.IOExceptionThe authentication or decryption has failed.Mono.SecurityMono.Security.Protocol.Tls.SslStreamBase.AsyncHandshakeCallback (IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00000]Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.TlsExceptionThe authentication or decryption has failed.Mono.SecurityMono.Security.Protocol.Tls.RecordProtocol.ProcessAlert (AlertLevel alertLevel, AlertDescription alertDesc) [0x00000]Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.RecordProtocol.InternalReceiveRecordCallback (IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00000] /p[4]/span, reference to undefined name 'widgetbox'
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// Continuum percolation, Evgeny Demidov, 17 Feb 2002 import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; package contours; // Continuum percolation, Evgeny Demidov, 17 Feb 2002 import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class Contour extends JFrameWithPreferences implements ItemListener, ActionListener, MouseMotionListener, MouseListener, Runnable { int Rc = 8, Lc, w, h, lbSize = 30, iV[], maxColor = 9, cWhite = maxColor, cBlack = maxColor + 1, hBar, hCol, nb[], delNb[]; double V[], f[][], G[][], Vo, sV, Vp = -.95; Choice chRc; Label lbRc; Button btNew; Image img, imBar; IndexColorModel iColor; long generTime; boolean bBurn = false; Checkbox cbBurn; // M.Buffa private static boolean runAsApplet = true; int parameterRc; double parameterVp; String parameterBgColor; boolean parameterBurn; // Variable y qui varie pendant l'animation private int currentY = 480 / 2; // incrément en y private double incY = 3; // durée entre chaque animation private int animationDelay = 100; static int WIDTH1 = 720; static int HEIGHT1 = 480; private Label vpLabel = new Label(); private boolean flipFlap = false; private Boolean fullscreen = false; // Parametres de l'animation private int delayAvantPhase1; private int tempsAnimPhase1; private double debutPhase1; private double finPhase1; private int delayAvantPhase2; private int tempsAnimPhase2; private double debutPhase2; private double finPhase2; private int delayAvantPhase3; private int tempsAnimPhase3; private double debutPhase3; private double finPhase3; public void fullScreenMode(Window myWindow, int expectedWidth, int expectedHeight) { GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice myDevice = ge.getScreenDevices()[0]; DisplayMode[] displayModes = myDevice.getDisplayModes(); for (int i = 0; i < displayModes.length; i++) { System.out.println("Display mode[" + i + "]: w = " + displayModes[i].getWidth() + " height = " + displayModes[i].getHeight() + "bits = " + displayModes[i].getBitDepth()); // On va choisir le premier mode en expectedWidth, expectedHeight, // les modes avec le plus de bits de profondeur sont proposés // en premier par getDisplayModes //DisplayMode oldDisplayMode = newDisplayMode; if (displayModes[i].getWidth() == expectedWidth && displayModes[i].getHeight() == expectedHeight) { // C'est bon ! try { myDevice.setFullScreenWindow(myWindow); myDevice.setDisplayMode(displayModes[i]); return; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* finally { } myDevice.setDisplayMode(oldDisplayMode); myDevice.setFullScreenWindow(null); } * */ } } public Contour(String title) { super(title); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Gestion du fichier de préférences setPreferencesFileNames("preferences", "Contours.properties", "defaultContours.properties"); // Load default preferences, inherited method readPreferences(); // Load custom preferences loadPreferences(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); //setSize(WIDTH1, HEIGHT1); // Use our own security manager, that can register listeners // All JFrameWithPreferences are listeners, see contructor of this // class ExitListenerSecurityManager sm; System.setSecurityManager(sm = new ExitListenerSecurityManager()); sm.addSystemExitListener(this); if (fullscreen) { fullScreenMode(this, WIDTH1, HEIGHT1); } setVisible(true); init(); addMouseListener(this); validate(); // on lance l'animation new Thread(this).start(); } public static void main(String[] args) { runAsApplet = false; Contour c = new Contour("Contour"); /* JFrameContours f = new JFrameContours("Contours"); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Read preferences f.setPreferencesFileNames("preferences", "Contours.properties", "defaultContours.properties"); f.readPreferences(); // Use our own security manager, that can register listeners // All JFrameWithPreferences qare listeners, see contructor of this // class ExitListenerSecurityManager sm; System.setSecurityManager(sm = new ExitListenerSecurityManager()); sm.addSystemExitListener(f); Contour applet = new Contour(); applet.emulateAppletParameters(args); f.setSize(WIDTH1, HEIGHT1); f.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); f.add(applet, BorderLayout.CENTER); f.setVisible(true); applet.init(); applet.addMouseListener(applet); //applet.fullScreenMode(f, WIDTH1, HEIGHT1); applet.start(); // on lance l'animation new Thread(applet).start(); */ } private void drawRectangleForVp(Graphics g, int y) { g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(w - 70, y - 15, 70, 30); g.setColor(Color.black); } /** * Load prefs * * @throws NumberFormatException * @throws HeadlessException */ private void loadPreferences() throws NumberFormatException, HeadlessException { try { // Set window size int width = Integer.parseInt(preferences.getProperty("width")); int height = Integer.parseInt(preferences.getProperty("height")); currentY = height / 2; WIDTH1 = width; HEIGHT1 = height; //setSize(width, height); // Read all preferences String stringValue = null; Boolean value = null; if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("animationDelay")) != null) { animationDelay = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("Rc")) != null) { parameterRc = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("Vp")) != null) { parameterVp = Double.parseDouble(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("Burn")) != null) { value = Boolean.valueOf(stringValue); parameterBurn = value; } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("fullscreen")) != null) { value = Boolean.valueOf(stringValue); fullscreen = value; } // Lecture des paramètres correspondants aux phases de l'animation // Phase 1 if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("delayAvantPhase1")) != null) { delayAvantPhase1 = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("tempsAnimPhase1")) != null) { tempsAnimPhase1 = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("debutPhase1")) != null) { debutPhase1 = Double.parseDouble(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("finPhase1")) != null) { finPhase1 = Double.parseDouble(stringValue); } // Phase 2 if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("delayAvantPhase2")) != null) { delayAvantPhase2 = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("tempsAnimPhase2")) != null) { tempsAnimPhase2 = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("debutPhase2")) != null) { debutPhase2 = Double.parseDouble(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("finPhase2")) != null) { finPhase2 = Double.parseDouble(stringValue); } // Phase 3 if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("delayAvantPhase3")) != null) { delayAvantPhase3 = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("tempsAnimPhase3")) != null) { tempsAnimPhase3 = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("debutPhase3")) != null) { debutPhase3 = Double.parseDouble(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("finPhase3")) != null) { finPhase3 = Double.parseDouble(stringValue); } /* if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("redrawAllFrame")) != null) { value = Boolean.valueOf(stringValue); panelLyrics.setForceDrawFullImage(value.booleanValue()); cdgOptionsDialog.setRedrawFullImage(value.booleanValue()); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("hardwareAcceleratedFullScreenModeSupported")) != null) { value = Boolean.valueOf(stringValue); hardwareAcceleratedFullScreenModeSupported = value.booleanValue(); setFullScreenModeOption(); } int fsWidth = -1, fsHeight = -1, fsDepth = -1, fsFreq = -1; if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("fsWidth")) != null) { fsWidth = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("fsHeight")) != null) { fsHeight = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("fsDepth")) != null) { fsDepth = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((stringValue = preferences.getProperty("fsFreq")) != null) { fsFreq = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } if ((fsWidth != -1) && (fsHeight != -1) && (fsDepth != -1) && (fsFreq != -1)) { System.out.println("Read prefs for fs mode, plug " + getName() + " : (" + fsWidth + "," + fsHeight + "," + fsDepth + "," + fsFreq + ")"); userDisplayMode = new DisplayMode(fsWidth, fsHeight, fsDepth, fsFreq); } * */ } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * We redefine the inherited method so that visibility is always set to false before saving the * preferences */ @Override public void savePreferences() { System.out.println("dans pref redéfinie"); super.savePreferences(); } public void init() { w = getSize().width - 30; h = getSize().height - lbSize; nb = new int[w * h]; delNb = new int[4]; delNb[0] = 1; delNb[1] = -1; delNb[2] = w; delNb[3] = -w; Rc = parameterRc; Vp = parameterVp; V = new double[w * h]; iV = new int[w * (h + 2)]; f = new double[h + 64][w + 64]; for (int i = 0; i < h + 64; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < w + 64; j++) { f[i][j] = 2 * Math.random() - 1; // f[100][100] = 1; } } G = new double[32][32]; Lc = 2 * Rc; double Rc2 = Rc * Rc; G[0][0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i < Lc; i++) { G[0][i] = Math.exp(-(i * i / Rc2)); for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) { G[j][i] = G[0][i] * G[0][j]; } } byte rColor[] = new byte[maxColor + 2], bColor[] = new byte[maxColor + 2], gColor[] = new byte[maxColor + 2]; int M = maxColor / 2; long M4 = (long) M * M * M * M; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { long dum = i; dum *= dum; dum *= dum; bColor[i] = gColor[M + i] = gColor[M - i] = rColor[maxColor - 1 - i] = (byte) (255 - (255 * dum) / M4); } gColor[M] = (byte) 220; rColor[cWhite] = gColor[cWhite] = bColor[cWhite] = (byte) 255; iColor = new IndexColorModel(8, maxColor + 2, rColor, gColor, bColor); hCol = h / maxColor; hBar = maxColor * hCol; int cBar[] = new int[20 * hBar], t = 0; for (int i = maxColor - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < hCol; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++) { cBar[t++] = i; } } } imBar = createImage(new MemoryImageSource(20, hBar, iColor, cBar, 0, 20)); Panel pannelHaut = new Panel(); /*lbRc = new Label("Rc", Label.RIGHT); pannelHaut.add(lbRc); chRc = new Choice(); for ( int i = 0, r = 1; i < 5; i++) { chRc.addItem(Integer.toString(r)); r *= 2; } chRc.select("" + Rc); chRc.addItemListener(this); pannelHaut.add(chRc); btNew = new Button("New"); btNew.addActionListener(this); pannelHaut.add(btNew); */ /* pannelHaut.add(vpLabel); vpLabel.setText("Vp = "); */ bBurn = parameterBurn; /* cbBurn = new Checkbox("Burn", bBurn); pannelHaut.add(cbBurn); cbBurn.addItemListener(this); */ //add(pannelHaut, BorderLayout.NORTH); addMouseMotionListener(this); averaging(); } public void destroy() { removeMouseMotionListener(this); } public void averaging() { generTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double Vmin = 100, Vmax = -100; sV = 0; int t = 0, w32 = w + 32; for (int i = 32; i < h + 32; i++) { for (int j = 32; j < w32; j++) { double s = G[0][0] * f[i][j]; for (int m = 1; m < Lc; m++) { int im = i + m, i_m = i - m, jm = j + m, j_m = j - m; s += G[0][m] * (f[im][j] + f[i_m][j] + f[i][jm] + f[i][j_m]) + G[m][m] * (f[im][jm] + f[i_m][jm] + f[im][j_m] + f[i_m][j_m]); for (int n = 1; n < m; n++) { int in = i + n, i_n = i - n, jn = j + n, j_n = j - n; s += G[n][m] * (f[im][jn] + f[i_m][jn] + f[im][j_n] + f[i_m][j_n] + f[in][jm] + f[i_n][jm] + f[in][j_m] + f[i_n][j_m]); } } V[t++] = s; if (s > Vmax) { Vmax = s; } if (s < Vmin) { Vmin = s; } sV += s; } } sV /= w * h; Vo = Vmax; if (Vmax < -Vmin) { Vo = -Vmin; } makeImg(); generTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - generTime; } public synchronized void makeImg() { double a = .5 * maxColor / Vo, tmp, VpVo = Vp * Vo; for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { if ((tmp = V[i]) < VpVo) { iV[i + w] = cWhite; } else { iV[i + w] = (int) (a * (tmp + Vo)); } } if (bBurn) { int lastNb = -1; for (int i = w; i < 2 * w; i++) { if (iV[i] == cWhite) { nb[++lastNb] = i; } } while (lastNb >= 0) { int n = nb[lastNb--]; if (iV[n] == cWhite) { iV[n] = cBlack; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int t = n + delNb[i]; if (iV[t] == cWhite) { nb[++lastNb] = t; } } } } } if (img != null) { img.flush(); } img = createImage(new MemoryImageSource(w, h, iColor, iV, w, w)); } NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) nf; String output = ""; @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { // Pour l'affichage de Vp df.applyPattern("#.##"); output = df.format(Vp); //updateLabel(output); g.drawImage(img, 0, lbSize, this); g.drawImage(imBar, w, lbSize, this); g.setColor(Color.white); int y = lbSize + (int) (hBar * (1 - sV / Vo) / 2); g.drawLine(w + 10, y, w + 30, y); g.setColor(Color.black); y = lbSize + (int) (hBar * (1 - Vp) / 2); g.drawLine(w, y - 1, w + 15, y - 1); g.drawLine(w, y, w + 15, y); g.drawLine(w, y + 1, w + 15, y + 1); g.setColor(Color.black); if (flipFlap) { g.setColor(Color.WHITE); } else { g.setColor(Color.BLACK); } flipFlap = !flipFlap; if (y >= HEIGHT1 - 50) { drawRectangleForVp(g, HEIGHT1 - 50 - 3); g.drawString("Vp = " + output, w - 60, HEIGHT1 - 50); } else if (y <= (lbSize + 50)) { drawRectangleForVp(g, lbSize + 50 - 3); g.drawString("Vp = " + output, w - 60, lbSize + 50); } else { drawRectangleForVp(g, y); g.drawString("Vp = " + output, w - 60, y + 5); } // Affichage de Vp dnas un rectangle blanc en haut de la fenêtre /* g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect((getWidth() - 50) / 2, 0, 70, 50); g.setColor(Color.black); g.drawString("Vp = " + output, ((getWidth() - 50) / 2) + 10, 45); */ } synchronized private void updateLabel(String output) { if (vpLabel != null) { vpLabel.setText("Vp = " + output + " T = " + generTime + " ms"); } } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { synchronized (new Object()) { if (e.getX() > w) { int y = e.getY() - lbSize; currentY = e.getY(); Vp = 1 - y * 2.0 / hBar; if (Vp < -1) { Vp = -1; } if (Vp > 1) { Vp = 1; } makeImg(); //repaint(); } } } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Object src = e.getSource(); if (src == cbBurn) { bBurn = cbBurn.getState(); makeImg(); } if (src == chRc) { Rc = Integer.parseInt(chRc.getSelectedItem()); Lc = 2 * Rc; double Rc2 = Rc * Rc; G[0][0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i < Lc; i++) { G[0][i] = Math.exp(-(i * i / Rc2)); for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) { G[j][i] = G[0][i] * G[0][j]; } } averaging(); } repaint(); } private void newContour() { for (int i = 0; i < h + 64; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < w + 64; j++) { f[i][j] = 2 * Math.random() - 1; } } averaging(); repaint(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { newContour(); } @Override public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } public static final int PHASE1 = 0; public static final int PHASE2 = 1; public static final int PHASE3 = 2; private int phase = PHASE1; private void setVp(double Vp) { //-Vp = -1 +(currentY -lbSize)*2/hbar; currentY = (int) ((((-Vp + 1) * hBar) / 2.0) + lbSize); } // Tous les temps sont en ms private double getVpCourant(double VpDebut, double VpInterval, long tempsEcoule, long tempsAnimPhase2) { return VpDebut + (VpInterval * tempsEcoule) / (double) tempsAnimPhase2; } private int getYFromVp(double Vp) { return (int) ((((-Vp + 1) * hBar) / 2.0) + lbSize); } private void updateVp(double min, double max) { int y = currentY - lbSize; Vp = 1 - y * 2.0 / hBar; if (Vp < min) { Vp = min; incY = -incY; } if (Vp > max) { Vp = max; incY = -incY; } // On rafraichit l'image suivante makeImg(); repaint(); // On incremente y currentY += incY; } public void run() { long tempsCourant = 0; long tempsDebut = 0; long tempsEcoule = 0; int y = 0; double VpCourant = 0; double intervalleVp = 0; if (getWidth() != 0) { while (true) { try { // Phase 1 Thread.sleep(delayAvantPhase1 * 1000); intervalleVp = finPhase1 - debutPhase1; incY = -Math.abs(incY); setVp(debutPhase1); tempsDebut = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (phase == PHASE1) { Thread.sleep(animationDelay); // updateVp(debutPhase1, finPhase1); tempsCourant = System.currentTimeMillis(); tempsEcoule = tempsCourant - tempsDebut; // On calcule le prochain Vp en fonction du temps écoulé VpCourant = getVpCourant(debutPhase1, intervalleVp, tempsEcoule, tempsAnimPhase1 * 1000); currentY = getYFromVp(VpCourant); //System.out.println("Dans PHASE 1, tempsEcoule=" + tempsEcoule / 1000.0 + " tempsAnimPhase1 = " + tempsAnimPhase1); if ((tempsEcoule / 1000.0) > tempsAnimPhase1) { //System.out.println("ON CHANGE DE PHASE !"); phase = PHASE2; } } // Phase 2 Thread.sleep(delayAvantPhase2 * 1000); intervalleVp = finPhase2 - debutPhase2; tempsDebut = System.currentTimeMillis(); setVp(debutPhase2); incY = -Math.abs(incY); while (phase == PHASE2) { Thread.sleep(animationDelay); updateVp(debutPhase2, finPhase2); tempsCourant = System.currentTimeMillis(); tempsEcoule = tempsCourant - tempsDebut; // On calcule le prochain Vp en fonction du temps écoulé VpCourant = getVpCourant(debutPhase2, intervalleVp, tempsEcoule, tempsAnimPhase2 * 1000); currentY = getYFromVp(VpCourant); //System.out.println("Dans PHASE 2, tempsEcoule=" + tempsEcoule / 1000.0 + "tempsAnimPhase2 = " + tempsAnimPhase2); if (tempsEcoule / 1000.0 > tempsAnimPhase2) { phase = PHASE3; } } //System.out.println("Après phase 2 on attend : " + delayApresPhase2 * 1000); // Phase 3 Thread.sleep(delayAvantPhase3 * 1000); incY = -Math.abs(incY); setVp(debutPhase3); intervalleVp = finPhase3 - debutPhase3; tempsDebut = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (phase == PHASE3) { Thread.sleep(animationDelay); updateVp(debutPhase3, finPhase3); tempsCourant = System.currentTimeMillis(); tempsEcoule = tempsCourant - tempsDebut; // On calcule le prochain Vp en fonction du temps écoulé VpCourant = getVpCourant(debutPhase3, intervalleVp, tempsEcoule, tempsAnimPhase3 * 1000); currentY = getYFromVp(VpCourant); //System.out.println("Dans PHASE 3, tempsEcoule=" + tempsEcoule / 1000.0 + "tempsAnimPhase3 = " + tempsAnimPhase3); if (tempsEcoule / 1000.0 > tempsAnimPhase3) { phase = PHASE1; // On renouvelle le contourr newContour(); } } //System.out.println("Après phase 3 on attend : " + delayApresPhase3 * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Contour.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { currentY = e.getY(); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } } IntroductionCe nouveau wiki plus moderne que l'ancien http://miageprojet.unice.fr (toujours en ligne), devrait permettre de gérer beaucoup plus facilement les projets, cours, TP, etc... ayant cours à la miage. N'hésitez pas à vous inscrire et à commencer à créer des pages, à les éditer, etc. User:MichelBuffa |
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