Digital Business Card

De $1

Table des matières
  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. Functional description

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You have to use the content of the lectures to design a small project that you should hand out at the end of the semester. By default, the subject is a digital business card but you can propose your own subject as long as it covers these three main constraints:

  • Include a local Android SQLite database;
  • Use an Android-specific inter-device mechanism (e.g. SMS);
  • Make a clear separation between Pure Java code (Business Model) and Android-specific code.

Functional description

The 'default' project is to build an Android application to handle digital business cards. There are three main functions that must be fulfilled:

  • Display/Edit Business cards: show as a business card and allow edit;
  • Import/Share information with Android Contact database: Some of the information from the business card is shared with the standard Android Contacts database, additional information (e.g. QRCode) may be added in a specific database;
  • Send/Receive Business card: when meeting someone, your app should allow either for you to send your business card or to receive a business card from another Android device.